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Governance in our Trust operates at Trust and school levels. For more information on the tiers of governance and personnel please read the Scheme of Delegation document available below and visit the Governance section of the LSP website: LSP Governance

LSP Trustees: The Trustees of Lighthouse Schools Partnership are both trustees of the charity and directors of the company. Under charity law our Trustees have the ultimate responsibility for directing the affairs of the Trust. To find out more about the current LSP trustees, click on the link: LSP Trustees

The current LSP Annual Report which contains more information about governance and finance is available here: LSP Annual Report

A range of key documents relating to governance and financial information, including the current strategic plan and the funding agreement are accessible via this link:

LSP Key Documents

The Yatton Schools Local Governing Board:

There is often some mythology around what a local board of governors does within and for the school. We have therefore summarised below the overall purpose of the Local Governing Board together with the two key sub-committees we operate; Pupil Quality Assurance (PQA) and Business.

Local Governing Board – We provide the following to the school and its senior leadership team:

  • A strategic view of the school by establishing a vision and setting the purpose and aims of the school within an agreed policy framework.   In conjunction with the Trust, we appoint and performance manage the headteacher, agreeing the school improvement strategy;
  • Monitor and evaluate the work of the school by reviewing the performance of the headteacher, the effectiveness of the policy framework, progress towards targets, and the effectiveness of the school improvement strategy;
  • Sign off the self-evaluation process and respond to school improvement strategy and Ofsted reports as necessary. In addition, we hold the head teacher to account for the performance of the school and ensure that parents are involved, consulted and informed as appropriate.

Pupil Quality Assurance Committee (PQA) – We provide an overview on the following, providing both review and recommendation to the local governing body.

  • Curriculum & Teaching
  • Safeguarding
  • Communication

Business Committee – We provide an overview on the following, providing both review and recommendation to the local governing body.

  • Finance
  • Staffing
  • Training
  • Premises
  • Health & Safety

Overall the Local Board of Governors consists of 14 people.  A schedule of our current governors is provided below. These roles are fed by many routes, one of which is parents elected by parents. We very much hope that when these opportunities arise that you will be interested in joining the local board of governors – in this way we can constantly ensure that we are in tune with the needs of pupils, parents and the school.

Attendance Record 2022 - 2023

Attendance Record 2023- 2024

Attendance Record 2024 - 2025

Minutes of Governors’ Meetings

The Local Board of Governors meet once a term as do the two main Committees – the Pupil Quality Assurance Committee and the Business Committee.

Approved minutes from the Local Governing Board and Committees are available upon request from the Clerk to the Governors. Please email  for further information.

Membership of the Local Governing Board (as of September 2023)

Jo Keeble

Executive Headteacher

Appointed by Yatton Schools Local Governing Body

A member of the Local Governing Body by virtue of position in the school

Committee: Business and PQA

Register of Interests: Executive Head at Yatton Schools


Ian Harris  (Chair of Local Governing Board)                   

Co-opted Governor

Appointed by Yatton Schools Local Governing Body

Term of Office: 01.04.2018 to 31.03.2026

Committee: Business

Position of Responsibility:  Chair of the Board of Governors,  Disciplinary/Appeals Panel B, Executive Head Teacher Performance Management Panel, Pay Review Panel, Admissions Panel

Register of Interests: None


Mike Sewell ( Vice Chair of Local Governing Board)

Foundation Governor

Appointed by the Diocese of Bath and Wells

Term of Office: 14.05.2018 to 16.02.2026

Committee: Business

Position of Responsibility: Vice Chair of Governors, Foundation Diocese Governor, Executive Head Teacher Performance Management Panel

Register of Interests: Interserve, Chairman of Kingston Seymour Parish Council, member of RICS, CIOB, EMA, FFB


Wendy Griggs

Foundation Governor

Appointed by the Durban Trust

Term of Office: 01.04.2018 to 31.03.2026

Committee: Business

Position of Responsibility: SEND Governor, Pay Review Panel, Disciplinary/ Appeals Panel A

Register of Interests: Trustee of Key Steps, Richard Durban Trust and Yatton United Charity, Yatton Village Hall Committee Member and Member of Yatton Parish Council


Katherine Hatch-Morelli                      

Co-opted Governor

Appointed by Yatton Schools Local Governing Body

Term of Office: 09.12.2020 to 08.12.2024

Committee: Pupil Quality Assurance

Position of Responsibility:Chair of Pupil Quality Assurance, E Safety Governor and Anti-bullying Governor, Admissions Panel

Register of Interests: Member of the Children’s Centre Joint Partnership Team


Liz Wakely               

Staff Governor

Elected by staff at Yatton Schools

Term of Office: 01.04.2022 to 31.03.2026

Committee: Business and PQA, Safeguarding Governor

Register of Interests: Support Staff member at Yatton Schools


Nicholas Ogborne                  

Co-opted Governor

Appointed by Yatton Schools Local Governing Body

Term of Office: 01.04.2018 to 31.03.2026

Committee: Business

Position of Responsibility: Chair of the Business Committee, PE Premium Governor, Disciplinary/ Appeals Panel B, Admissions Panel

Register of Interests: Fellow of Chartered Management Institute


Amy Owen                       

Co-opted Governor

Elected by parents at Yatton Schools

Term of Office: 16.05.2022 to 15.05.2026

Committee: Pupil Quality Assurance

Position of Responsibility: Co-opted Governor, Vice Chair of PQA

Register of Interests: None


James Cumming                       

Co-opted Governor

Elected by parents at Yatton Schools

Term of Office: 16.05.2022 to 15.05.2026

Committee: Pupil Quality Assurance

Position of Responsibility: Co-opted Governor

Register of Interests: None


Christopher Stoate                    

Junior School Parent Governor

Elected by parents at Yatton Schools

Term of Office: 06.10.2020 to 05.10.2024

Committee: Vice Chair of Business Committee, Health and Safety Governor

Position of Responsibility: Junior School Governor

Register of Interests: None


Philip Challis                     

Diocese Governor

Appointed by the Diocese of Bath and Wells

Term of Office: 04.10.2022 to 03.10.2026

Committee: Pupil Quality Assurance

Position of Responsibility: Disciplinary/Appeals Panel A

Register of Interests: Church of England Priest, Parochial Church Council, Trustee of Society of Disabled Artists and Shalom Trust


Natalia Sokolov

Infant School Governor

Elected by parents at Yatton Schools

Term of office: 04.12.23 to 03.12.27

Committee: TBC

Position of responsibility: TBC

Register of Interests: TBC


Kirsten Griffiths

Elected by parents of Yatton Schools

Term of office: 04.12.23 to 03.12.27

Committee: TBC

Position of responsibility: TBC

Register of Interests: TBC



Andrew Nicholls                 

Co-opted Governor

Appointed by Yatton Schools Local Governing Body

Term of Office: 01.04.2018 to 31.03.2022

Committee: PQA

Position of Responsibility: Training Governor, Admissions Panel

Register of Interests: None


Tim Scott                      

Foundation Governor

Appointed by the Diocese of Bath and Wells

Term of Office: 30.04.2018 to 29.04.2022

Committee: Pupil Quality Assurance

Position of Responsibility: Disciplinary/Appeals Panel A

Register of Interests: Church of England Priest, Parochial Church Council, Trustee of Society of Disabled Artists and Shalom Trust


Jon Heywood                   

Staff Governor

Elected by staff at Yatton Schools

Term of Office: 01.04.2018 to 31.03.2022

Committee: Business and PQA

Register of Interests: Deputy Head at Yatton Schools


Abigail Jones                       

Infant School Parent Governor

Elected by parents at Yatton Schools

Term of Office: 06.04.2020 to 05.10.2024

Committee: Pupil Quality Assurance

Position of Responsibility: Infant School Governor

Register of Interests: Chair of the PTA


Richard Gaunt

Co-opted Governor

Appointed by Yatton Schools Local Governing Body

Term of Office: 12.06.2018 to 09.12.2022

Committee: Pupil Quality Assurance

Position of Responsibility: Chair of Pupil Quality Assurance, Pupil Premium Governor, Disciplinary/Appeals Panel A, Pay Review Panel, Admissions Panel

Register of Interests: None


Tony Green                   

Co-opted Governor

Appointed by Yatton Schools Local Governing Body

Term of Office: 09.12.2020 to 09.10.23

Committee: Pupil Quality Assurance

Position of Responsibility: SEN Governor, Disciplinary/Appeals Panel B, Admissions Panel

Register of Interests: Proprietor of Willow Academy. Member of the Chartered Management Institute and the Society of Education and Training