Learning College
The children get excited about our Learning College programmes!
Learning College is a chance for the children to make choices in their learning and try new challenges. In both schools, at least twice a year, a series of afternoons is set aside to provide the children with an exciting variety of learning opportunities.
The process always starts with the children being asked to come up with ideas for what they want to learn – they can put down whatever they want. Staff then look at the children’s ideas and create a menu of courses on offer. Courses are run not only by teachers but by support staff, sports coaches and local sports clubs, outside specialists and providers, including parents and members of our community. The children then select their top four choices – our promise to them is that they will get one of these choices. The children are encouraged to try something new, not something they have had lots of experience with already. As we offer so many courses for each Learning College programme, we can keep numbers in each course small – smaller than a normal class size – usually around 15, sometimes fewer. Attempts are made to have a good balance of ages in each course so children have opportunities to work alongside children from different classes and year groups.
Here are some of the opportunities the children have been offered over the last 3 years:
Animal Art
Africa! Archery Arty Artists Arty and Crafty Bike Club Bird watching Comic Book Art Computer Explorers Crafty Collage Crafty Creations Cooking Clay Cricket
Photography Gymnastics How to draw a… Inventions and Gadgets Jewellery making Loom Bands Lego ‘Mini Beast Madness’ Film-Making Music Makers ‘Multi skills’ sport Nature Detectives Netball Origami |
Princesses Recorders Rounders Rugby Science Experiments Sewing Space Tennis Ukulele Under the Sea Yoga Ukulele
Feedback from children is overwhelmingly positive – there is always a buzz when Learning College is coming!
“It lets us have a choice of what we do at school.”
“You come home with a smile on your face!”
“You get to do things you haven’t done before.”
“You learn lots of new skills.”
“It gives us a chance to learn something we wouldn’t learn in other lessons.”
“I have learned how singing can be FUN!”
“I learned about owls and now I really like owls!”
“Looking at owl pellets was really interesting.”
“Learning College gives you experiences that you might want to do when you’re older.”
“We have fun with our learning.”
“It helps make you fit.”
“I want to do more Forest Schools!”