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At Yatton Schools we have adopted a 'mastery' approach to Maths. To support our Teaching for Mastery we use a Scheme of Learning known as White Rose Maths across both schools, adapting it where appropriate to suit the needs of our year groups. The mastery approach includes a belief that all children are capable of understanding and doing mathematics, given sufficient time. We believe in fostering a ‘can do’ attitude so that all children can achieve in and enjoy mathematics.

The White Rose Maths scheme's approach enables teachers to keep the children working together on the same area, whilst addressing the needs for all children. White Rose provides teachers with blocked units, offering greater time frames to deliver and explore the objectives in. These blocks are further broken down into small steps, giving children the opportunity to take more time to develop their understanding. Lessons will promote fluency, reasoning and problem solving with all children being given the opportunity to achieve and experience these. Children who grasp concepts and small steps rapidly will be further challenged through being offered rich reasoning and problem solving challenges before any acceleration of new content.

White Rose Maths video lessons and worksheets are available for remote/home learning in our Year Group pages.

To find out more about how we teach Maths, please read the documents below, including our current Calculations Policy which is useful in seeing how we teach various types of calculations at different stages.