Policies and Key Documents
As our schools are part of the Lighthouse Schools Partnership, many of our policies can be accessed via the LSP website.
Please click here to find the policies listed below:
- Admissions LSP Admissions Arrangements
- Attendance
- Business Ethics
- Charging and Remissions
- Code of Conduct
- Complaints Policy and Procedure
- Curriculum
- Data Protection
- Debt Recovery
- Disadvantaged Strategy
- Disciplinary
- Equality and Diversity
- Finance
- Freedom of Information
- Grievance
- Health and Safety Policy Statement
- Lettings of School Premises
- Local Government Pension Scheme Discretionary Policy
- Mental Heath
- Members,Trustees, Governors Allowances
- Preventing Extremism & Radicalisation
- Privacy Notice
- Records Management
- Recruitment
- Risk Management
- Safeguarding Child Protection
- Special Educational Needs (SEND)
- Staff Anti-Bullying
plus HR policies.
Yatton Schools' Policies
For Yatton Schools' policies, please access the documents below.
Our Vision drives all of our school policies. Our policies enable our children to:
'Grow, Celebrate and Make a Difference'