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Yatton Infants re-build

We are pleased to announce that Bray & Slaughter have been successfully appointed as the main contractor for the rebuild of Yatton Infant School.

Planning permission has been granted and construction began on 9th December 2024. The steel frame has been brought in this week (w/c 3 Feb) and is being assembled with a very large crane (Fun Fact: the crane weights 36 tonnes, equivalent to 10 adult elephants!). The photo below shows the amazing progress that has been made this week.

All deliveries will made at the temporary works entrance from Stowey Road avoiding peak hours of 8:30 – 9:30 am and 3:00 – 4:30 pm. There is a detailed delivery strategy in order to minimise impact to Stowey Road and a full time gateman situated at the Stowey Road entrance in order to manage all visitors and deliveries to site.

We will continue to keep you updated on a regular basis as work starts and progresses. Information boards will be placed by the Co-op entrance and the Infants School entrance which will show the layout and finished look of the school.

Vision panels have been put into the hoarding around the site so the children can see the progress being made.

As part of our commitment to keeping the school community and stakeholders involved in the Infant School rebuild, we are providing an opportunity to review the Stage 4 design and share your feedback. If you would like to view the updated design and provide comments, please contact us at

We value your input and look forward to hearing your thoughts.


Week 1


Week 4

Week 9